A Little More About Us
The Synod of the Covenant seeks to inspire, equip, and connect the Presbyterian congregations and organizations which compose it to join Christ’s mission to the world with increasing love, joy, and faithfulness. The Synod includes 11 presbyteries and nearly 700 congregations throughout Michigan and Ohio (and small slices of Indiana, Kentucky, and Wisconsin). Ministry within the Presbyterian Church (USA) is located primarily in local churches, which are supported by presbyteries (seven in Ohio and four in Michigan), which are in turn supported by Synods (sixteen across the United States).
The Synod’s overarching theme for 2022 is “In our Synod, we’ll try anything to equip and support leaders who attend to God’s creative, emerging future.” To make progress toward this goal, we are focusing on four types of ministry: 1/ encouraging and supporting faith communities to be vital; 2/ eradicating structural racism and modeling inclusion, 3/ experimenting with new ways to be church, and 4/ connecting presbyteries, congregations, and leaders to reach these goals. (Click here to learn more).
The Synod of the Covenant exists to serve the presbyteries and their congregations and members throughout most of Ohio and Michigan, along with small slices of Wisconsin, Indiana, and Kentucky. To learn more about each presbytery, click on their name to be taken to their homepage.
Get to Know our Presbyteries
The Synod of the Covenant’s history dates back to 1972, when it was originally configured as the states of Kentucky, Ohio, and MI and was bathed in the prayer that “we offer to God ourselves and our mission, and pray that the Holy Spirit will breathe into our offering the breath of life.” In 1988 the presbyteries in Kentucky became part of the Synod of Living Waters and the bounds of the Synod of the Covenant became what they are today.
Even before the Synod was formed, the Mobile Health Fair ministry had taken shape in order to provide basic screenings to communities where medical care is not readily available. From the early 1970s, the Cabinet on Ethnic Church Affairs has been an important ministry to the Synod as we have sought full participation of all ethnic groups in the decision-making processes of the church. In 1984, the Synod began engaging with international partners in order to broaden congregations’ view of the global church. What began with a trip to Scotland morphed eventually into Mission to the USA, a ministry that has brought Christians from around the world to churches within the Synod in recent years. More recently, the Synod has invested in higher education scholarships and grants to support presbytery, congregational, and ministries for People of Color. Click here to see a more detailed history of the Synod.
At the 223rd General Assembly (2018), an Administrative Commission (AC) was established to address disorder in the Synod. After much investigation and prayer, the AC discerned in February 2020 that the best way to re-establish the Synod’s health would be to take original jurisdiction and releasing the current staff and taking a pause on all ministries through the end of summer 2020. The AC is working hard and hoping to return the Synod to its own leadership by the end of 2020.