The ethos of the Synod of the Covenant can be summed up by our guiding statement: “In our synod, we will try anything to equip and support leaders who attend to God’s creative, emerging future.” The passion which animates the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Imitative (CGPI) to identify, train, and support emerging preachers stems from this ethos. The Synod seeks to serve Jesus Christ and his church by focusing on four ministry goals:
1. Encouraging and supporting vital faith communities
2. Eradicating structural racism and modeling inclusion
3. Experimenting with new ways to be church
4. Connecting presbyteries, congregations, and leaders to reach these goals.
CGPI will help the Synod meet these goals:
1. Vital faith communities depend on compelling preaching from preachers called and sent to proclaim the good news of Jesu Christ. We seek to by identify, equip, and support emerging preachers across the Synod in cooperation with presbytery and faith community leaders.
2. We are partnering with Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, the PCUSA’s only historically black seminary, to equip preachers who are prophetic in calling out injustice and who proclaim the radical inclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Members of the Johnson C. Smith network will serve as mentors to Initiative participants and guide the Synod staff in anti-racist practices and instruction.
3. We seek to develop innovative forms of proclamation that make use of modern technologies. We will be partnering with Alma College and their New Media department, among others, to train participants in rhetoric, public speaking skills, and the use of digital technologies.
4. Participants and program leaders will come from across the Synod and its 11 presbyteries. Participants and program leaders will make close connections in their cohort groups and with other participants such that upon completion of the program they will have a support network of other preachers and church leaders in their joint ministry of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.