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Participant Application
for 2025-2026 Cycle

Thank you for your interest in the CGPI program! The purpose of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative is to strengthen the witness of the Church to the good news of Jesus Christ, by identifying, training, and providing ongoing support to emerging preachers. Across the eleven presbyteries of the Synod, there are numerous ruling elders and other church leaders who are called and gifted to preach the good news. The aim of the Initiative is to cultivate these gifts through rigorous training in biblical interpretation, reformed theology, and sermon preparation. The Initiative aims to add 140 or more trained preachers across Synod over four 18-month training cycles, beginning in 2024 through 2028. Each Cycle will begin at the June annual conference.

On a scale from 1-5 how comfortable are you with preaching?”
On a scale of 1-5 how familiar are you with the structure of the Presbyterian Church USA?
What leadership positions have you held in a PCUSA church (if any). Select any that apply.

Please consider each question carefully and provide written responses. Upload your answers to each question as a single WORD or PDF document. Please include headings for each question and begin new questions on a new page. Include your first and last name on the document and as the saved title; for example: JohnSmith.docx. Your document must be in WORD or PDF format.  Please adhere to the word limit and, again, please upload your responses to all essay questions as a single document, in WORD or PDF format.

1. Please give a brief description of your experience and involvement in your local congregation. This should include a description of your church attendance and participation; how often do you attend, what ministries do you participate in (bible studies, book groups), what is your service involvement (assisting in worship, teaching Sunday school), etc. (300-500 words)

2.  Please provide a brief statement of faith. (300-800 words)


Please write a brief statement that describes your personal faith. The statement should address these three elements:

  1. Describe what you believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and your relationship to the Triune God.

  2. What does it mean to you to be Presbyterian?

  3. Describe your current spiritual practices and disciplines.]

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4. Your application must include a letter of reference from your pastoral leader or clerk of session.  (Clerks of Session without a pastoral leader should contact their presbytery’s stated clerk or presbyter to provide a reference.) 

Please have the person writing your letter of reference email it directly to Heather Johnston, administrator for the CGPI program at

The next 2 questions are to help us form cohorts more wisely.

Thank you for your application! For questions, please contact Matthew Aragon Bruce, Director of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative, at Heather Johnston, Administrator, at

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