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Assembly Highlights

Updated: Jun 3

The Synod held two meetings in May of 2024, a Stated Meeting on 5/7/24 and a Called Meeting on 5/22/24.


At the 5/7/24 Stated Meeting, the Assembly…

  • Established the following ministry focus areas for 2025-28 (click here to read more)

    • Supporting and Equipping Leadership for the Church

    • Strengthening our Most Vulnerable Congregations

    • Developing Anti-Racist Practices and Structures

    • Eradicating Systemic Poverty

    • Connecting Synods, Presbyteries, Churches, and Leaders

  • Updated its by-laws (pending the approval of all eleven presbyteries) so that six new commissioners of color will have voice and vote.

  • Learned about progress from the Director of the Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative, Matt Aragon-Bruce, and the Commissioned Ruling Elder Coordinator, Tim Pollock

  • Endorsed two overtures to General Assembly

    • Establishing the Geographic Districts of Synod of the Covenant Presbyteries

    • Recognizing the National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches as a caucus of the PCUSA

  • Heard a report from the Synod’s Administrative Commission for the Presbytery of Detroit and took two actions

    • Urging the AC to pay particular attention to matters of representation

    • Tabling a motion to return original jurisdiction to the Presbytery of Detroit (see the Stated Meeting Highlights, below)

  • Voted to raise its per capita for 2025 from $3.25 to $3.40, the first increase since 2010.

  • Received financial reports for Jan-Mar, 2024



At the 5/22/24 Called Special Meeting to Consider the Motion to Return Jurisdiction to the Presbytery of Detroit, the Assembly…

  • Heard reports from the Temporary Executive Presbyter and Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Detroit, the Synod Administrative Commission for the Presbytery of Detroit, and the Synod Executive before voting to retain original jurisdiction over the Presbytery of Detroit.

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