The Leadership Team of the Synod of the Covenant is considering converting this position from a volunteer to a paid position. That decision will come on 12/12/24.

Term: January 2025 — December 2027
Search Details:
Interviews to begin in early October.
Ideally the candidate will be introduced and elected at the October 31-November 2, 2024, Synod Assembly in Oregon, Ohio.
Interested parties should contact and/or send resume and cover letter to Chip Hardwick, Synod Executive or 309-530-4578
Other helpful contacts: Aaron Meadows, chair of Finance Committee ( and Martha Blenman, current Treasurer (
The purpose of the Synod of the Covenant's (SOC’s) treasurer is to analyze and report on the Synod's financial condition and provide financial analysis and accurate and timely financial statements so that the Synod can carry out its operations and mission. The treasurer is a corporate officer and has a fiduciary responsibility to the corporation. This is a volunteer staff position of up to ten hours a week.
Ensure that all transactions are reported to the Bookkeeping Service in a timely manner, ensuring accurate monthly financial statements.
Review monthly statements to ensure completeness and accuracy and report the monthly actual income and expenses, those budgeted and year-to-date, to staff, the Leadership Team, and the Finance Committee.
Approve payments.
Facilitate deposits, transfers, and withdrawals from bank and investment accounts.
Report monthly financial position, including income, expense, and balance sheet, to the Finance Committee and report the same quarterly to the Synod Assembly.
Provide a detailed current financial report to staff and committees as requested.
Calculate and facilitate payments to Campus Ministry partners.
Facilitate scholarship and grant distributions.
Participate in annual budget creation and provide oversight for compliance with the SOC budget.
Consult and offer banking and investment input to the finance committee.
Ensure that SOC complies with banking regulations.
Consult with SOC accounting firm to facilitate annual financial review.
The treasurer will be the primary liaison to the Finance Committee, its subcommittees, external service providers, and payroll service. The treasurer will provide letters of engagement where required, as approved by the Assembly or directed by the Head of Staff. The treasurer is a volunteer Synod staff member and an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee with voice but no vote.
The treasurer is accountable to the Synod Assembly through the Human Resources Committee for matters pertaining to the Synod's finances. For matters of staff relationships, the treasurer is responsible to the Head of Staff.
The treasurer is nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Synod assembly. The Treasurer shall serve for three (3) years or until a successor has been elected.
The treasurer shall ordinarily be present at Synod assemblies and other committee/team meetings when requested. Travel expenses will be paid by the Synod.
Desired Qualifications
Accounting degree, CPA, or equivalent professional experience
Ability to interpret and oversee information in QuickBooks.
Salary and Benefits
Because this is a voluntary position, there are no salary or benefits.
The Synod will provide access to phone and email systems, along with access to QuickBooks and other resources relevant to the role.
The treasurer will work out of their home or office in their own locale, with very infrequent trips to the Synod office.
The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the Synod.