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From Your Synod Executive...

Chip Hardwick

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Although I’m grateful to be serving the Synod, during Advent in particular I miss helping to lead a local congregation.  There is so much excitement—faces we haven’t seen for a while or maybe ever, familiar music, extra offerings like a Christmas Tea or a Blue Christmas service.  Leading a Christmas Eve service is really a special calling.  All of this excitement, however, comes with an inevitable letdown:  the service the Sunday after Christmas.  That’s why the Synod is providing a virtual worship service for use in your congregations for December 29, 2024.


To wit, I had a call last week from a worship committee chair trying his best to find a supply preacher for 12/29/24.  He told me that most of the people on the presbytery’s list hadn’t responded, and those who did were not able to come.  I added to his disappointment by saying I wasn’t available that day either, but I quickly told him about the virtual service that the Synod is producing, and he was so glad to hear it.


We offer the service to thank preachers, musicians, and tech folks for working so hard all year long, and especially during Advent.  God’s gift of Sabbath is good for us all the time, but especially after so many weeks with so many extra responsibilities and high hopes.


This year’s service is being led by participants and leaders in our Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative, an eighteen-month cohort program training church members to preach.  You’ll see what a great job they do!  If you are interested in learning more or applying for the 2025-26 cycle, you can visit Cultivating the Gift of Preaching | Synod Of The Covenan.  The worship service also has musicians from throughout our presbyteries and some synod staff people.


The service will be posted on our website,, and our YouTube page, Synod of the Covenant - YouTube, on or soon after December 15.  You’ll be able to download it and a bulletin from the website homepage, and you’ll be able to stream the service from YouTube.  It’s designed for use either for churches to gather together in their sanctuaries to watch on a screen, or for families and individuals to gather around a screen at home.  Either way, we hope that this service strengthens your faith in the Jesus, Emmanuel, God With Us, and equips you to go out and serve in his name.


Grateful to be your partner in ministry,


Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD  




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