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From Your Synod Executive...

Chip Hardwick

As we move into 2025, the Synod is experiencing several leadership transitions.  I want to give you a chance to thank outgoing leaders with me and to welcome incoming leaders as well.  I’m really grateful for the ways that God provides us with just the right people in just the right way.


First, the most important leaders in the Synod are our executive leadership team.  Adrienne Adams (Detroit Presbytery) has just completed her three years as vice-moderator, moderator, and chair of the leadership team.  Adrienne was the first person from the Synod to call me after I came onboard in April of 2020, and she has provided wise counsel ever since. Sandy Seaton-Todd (Western Reserve Presbytery) is becoming the chair of the leadership team and Andy Thorburn (Lake Michigan Presbytery) is the new moderator.  They already serve in important ways on the leadership team.  Mike Wakeland (Miami Valley Presbytery) is becoming the vice moderator and will do a great job.


Some of the other members of the leadership team are changing too.  Lora Manon (Maumee Valley Presbytery) and Mary Jane Knapp (Muskingum Valley Presbytery) have both served with distinction for three years as chairs of the Nominating and Human Resources Committees, respectively.  I’m excited for Valerie Lyons (Western Reserve Presbytery) and Mary Ann Bromley (Eastminster Presbytery) to begin leading the Nominating Committee and Human Resources Committee, respectively.  Aaron Meadows (Eastminster Presbytery) and Jon Carlisle (Scioto Valley) will continue in their leadership of the Finance and Governance committees, respectively.


Other important leaders in the Synod who will continue in their roles are Amy Duiker (Miami Valley), chair of the Grants and Scholarships committee, and Jeanne Gay (Maumee Valley Presbytery), chair of the Administrative Commission for Detroit Presbytery.  Like the other leaders listed above, Amy and Jeanne work diligently and wisely in challenging circumstances. 


We have one change in our staff leadership, and another addition upcoming.  Our treasurer Martha Blenman has completed her three year term.  She has been tireless in working to set up systems where none existed and in establishing controls and guidance to help us be better stewards of our financial resources.  She has partnered extensively with Frank Walburg (Muskingum Valley Presbytery), former chair of the finance committee, to accomplish these goals.  Brittany Hoyer has begun work as Interim Treasurer through the Synod Assembly on February 4, and will, if the way be clear, continue serving in an ongoing basis after that assembly.


We are also in the process of calling an Associate Executive for Racial Justice.  Adrienne Adams is the chair of this committee, which has made good progress discerning among the ten strong applications we received at the end of last year.  Interviews will begin before too much longer and I hope God will bring us our new associate by the end of the spring.


Paul tells us that we are the body of Christ, each of us with vitally important gifts.  I’m thankful for the gifts of all of the people I mention here, as well as the others on their teams and committees.  If you’d like to participate in Synod leadership in some way, let me know!


Grateful to be your partner in ministry,

Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD  

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