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From Your Synod Executive...

Chip Hardwick

The new year (it’s still the new year, right?) is a great time to bring attention to some new opportunities and ministries that the Synod is offering in 2025.  I’m excited to let you know about some new training opportunities for Commissioned Ruling Elders/Commissioned Pastors (CREs), a new lectionary study group, and a new chance to serve as a mentor for our Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative.


CREs do amazing ministry at so many of our churches.  As Tim Pollock, our CRE coordinator, has connected with them and presbytery leaders over the last year, he has discovered that many CREs don’t have the same range of options (and the same budget) for continuing education as Teaching Elders/Ministers of Word and Sacrament typically do.  Tim has developed a series of zoom workshops, beginning with “Leadership as a Process” with Dr. Robert McManus, Professor of Leadership at Muskingum University.  This will be Wednesday, February 12, from 9:00 to Noon.  Learn more about the whole series of workshops here: CRE/CP Continuing Education | Synod Of The Covenan


At our January Preaching Workshop (“Preparing to Preach Lent 2025”; watch it here), several participants mentioned that a lectionary study group would be helpful for them.  Our Office Manager Heather Johnston (proud graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary) worked with Debbie Dockstader (Eastminster Presbytery) to develop plans for a zoom group held on the 2ndand 4th Wednesday of each Monday from 10:00 to 11:30 am.  All are welcome; learn more here: Lectionary Group | Synod Of The Covenan   


Finally, another new opportunity in an ongoing ministry.  Our Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative will welcome a new cohort of emerging preachers in this 18 month program which begins with an annual conference at Alma College on June 12-16, 2025.  This initiative works to identify, train, and support church leaders with the gift of preaching an opportunity to develop their gifts in an inspiring and supportive environment.  The new opportunity is for preachers throughout the Synod to apply to serve as Preacher-Mentors, paid positions requiring approximately 15 hours of work a month.  You can learn more and apply here:  Cultivating the Gift of Preaching | Synod Of The Covenan


I pray that the Synod will be continually developing programs and ministries which help us live into our motto:  “In our synod, we’ll try anything to equip leaders who attend to God’s emerging, creative future.”  


Grateful to be your partner in ministry,


Rev. Charles B Hardwick, PhD  



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