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What's Happening with Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Initiative?

Thomas Riggs

It is difficult to believe, but next month we will mark the halfway point for the inaugural CGPI class! As such, in December and January, the four cohorts gathered in person for the first time since their program began last June. They were able to use this time together to have discussions about different preaching styles, explore different sermon forms, dig deeper into the principles of exegesis (biblical interpretation), but above all they got to preach in person to one another! The cohort members had extended time to receive and give feedback on one another’s sermons and to receive feedback from their preacher-mentors. Moreover, they were able to share their experiences preaching over the last few months, to have in-depth conversations about the preaching life, and simply enjoy fellowship with one another.


Below are some pictures from Nancy Jo Dederer’s cohort, which consists of our participants from the eastern half of Ohio. I hope to highlight other cohorts in later Newsletter articles.


The application for the next class is live on the Synod website. We have lots of room for further participants and are also still looking for mentors for the second year of the program. The second year will begin with a conference from June 12-16, 2025, at Alma College. The new class of emerging preachers will meet together with the current class, where they will hear plenary lectures from the Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, Professor and the Marbury E. Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary (we use one of her books in the program), as well as participate in workshops led by faculty from Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, Alma College, and Synod Staff. If you know of anyone – perhaps it’s you yourself! – who keeps nudged by the Holy Spirit to preach, please send them our way! Please contact Matt Bruce, the CGPI director if you have any questions, or, again, fill out the application on the Synod website.

From Left to Right: Judy Mitchell (Western Reserve); Rev. Nancy Jo Dederer, Mentor (Scioto Valley); Illiana Levenson (Western Reserve); Julie Miller (Western Reserve); Maria Bernardo (Western Reserve); Jim Bennent (Eastminster)


Illiana Levenson (Western Reserve)

Julie Miller (Western Reserve)

Maria Bernardo (Western Reserve)

Jim Bennent (Eastminster)


Judy Mitchell (Western Reserve)


A very full CGPI cohort to-do list!!


To preach the Word you need Bibles; lots of snacks help too!!


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