February 8-9 - Attend Alma College Board Meeting (Alma, MI/Lake Huron Presbytery)
February 10 - Attend Miami Valley and Muskingum Valley Presbytery Meetings (by Zoom)
February 11 - Preach at First Congregational Church of Kalamazoo
February 14 - Lead Ash Wednesday Service for Kirk West (Detroit Presbytery)
February 17 - Attend Cincinnati Presbytery (Union, KY)
February 19 - Holiday (President’s Day)
February 20 - Attend Maumee Valley and Scioto Valley Presbytery Meetings (by Zoom)
February 24 - Attend Mackinac Presbytery Meeting (by Zoom)
February 25 - Attend First Pres Pontiac’s 200th Anniversary Service (Detroit Presbytery)
February 25-28 - Attend Synod Executive Gathering (Orange Beach, AL)
If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at chip@synodofthecovenant.org or 309-530-4578.