April 30-May - Board of Pensions Mid Council Leaders Gathering (Philadelphia, PA)
May 5 - Preach at Westminster Grand Rapids (Lake Michigan Presbytery)
May 5-7 - Presbyterian Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Conference (Detroit)
May 7 - Synod Assembly
May 9-10 - Alma College Trustees Meeting (Lake Huron Presbytery)
May 12 - Preach at University Church Rochester (Detroit Presbytery)
May 18 - Presbytery of Detroit Gathering
May 19 - Preach at Brooklyn Church (Lake Michigan Presbytery)
May 19 - Attend Ordination of Nathaniel Fryer at First Ann Arbor (Detroit Presbytery)
May 21 - Maumee Valley Presbytery Meeting (Monroe, MI)
May 22 - Muskingum Valley Presbytery Meeting (Zoom)
May 26 - Preach at Mt Auburn Church (Cincinnati Prebytery)
If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at chip@synodofthecovenant.org or 309-530-4578.