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Where's the Synod Exec?

June 2 - Preach at Northminster (Cincinnati Presbytery)

June 4 - Lake Huron Presbytery Meeting (Alma College)

June 6-10 - Inaugural Cultivating the Gift of Preaching Conference (Alma College)

June 11 - Lake Michigan Presbytery (First Church Holt)

June 16 - Preach at Westminster Rogers City (Mackinac Presbytery)

June 19 - Synod Office Closed for Juneteenth

June 23 - Preach at Orchard Lake Community (Detroit Presbytery)

June 25-27 - General Assembly Committees (Zoom)

Jun 29-July 4 - General Assembly (Salt Lake City)


If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at or 309-530-4578.

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