Sept 5-6 - President Andrew Pomerville’s Inauguration at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Sept 8 - Presentation on Christian and Presbyterian History at Xenia United (Miami Valley Presbytery)
Sept 10 - Miami Valley Presbytery Meeting (Hamilton, OH)
Sept 17 - Lake Huron Presbytery (Mt Pleasant, MI)
Sept 17 - Maumee Valley Presbytery (Toledo, OH)
Sept 21 - Mackinac Presbytery (Petoskey, MI)
Sept 22 - Preach at Church in the Hills (Bellaire, MI, Mackinac Presbytery)
Sept 23 - Presbytery of the Western Reserve Meeting (zoom)
Sept 24-25 - Synod Staff Anti-Racism Training and Retreat
Sept 26-27 - Alma College Trustees Meeting (Lake Huron Presbytery)
If you would like Exec Chip Hardwick to come to your church or ministry to preach, teach, learn, or support, please contact him at or 309-530-4578.