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Image by Matt Silveira


The Synod’s overarching theme for 2022 is “In our Synod, we’ll try anything to equip and support leaders who attend to God’s creative, emerging future.” To make progress toward this goal, we are focusing on four types of ministry: 1/ encouraging and supporting faith communities to be vital; 2/ eradicating structural racism and modeling inclusion, 3/ experimenting with new ways to be church, and 4/ connecting presbyteries, congregations, and leaders to reach these goals.  (Click here to learn more).


The ministries listed below help us to live into this vision for 2022.

Image by Stephen Radford

Equipping Leaders

We partner with ministries like LeaderWise and Science for the Church to offer a wide variety of opportunities to equip leaders, including Adaptive Leadership; Journey Groups; Race, Science, and the Church; and Boundaries Training.

Image by Melyna Valle

Equipping Pastors

The Synod is working with presbyteries to train and equip preachers, both those exploring whether they might want to be added to a supply preaching list, and those who offer their sermons every week. Courses of various lengths as well as monthly workshops will be offered.

Image by Windows

Higher Education Scholarships

Higher Education Scholarships for Christian Leaders are available for students in undergraduate, associates, or vocational programs or pursuing their first masters degree in theology. Candidates will be asked to discuss their work to strengthen congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism, and/or eradicate systemic poverty. Applications should be available by March 2022 and will be due later in the spring.  Note:  This scholarship program replaces the Higher Education Scholarship program.

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Virtual Worship Services

During the pandemic, the virtual worship services created by presbyteries and distributed by the Synod have been well received and popular, with some being viewed as often as 2,000 times on YouTube.  The Synod will continue to offer these services periodically as long as virtual worship remains a prominent means of connecting with Christ.


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Chip Hardwick Presentations

The Synod’s Interim Executive, Chip Hardwick, preaches, teaches, and keynotes regularly for churches throughout the presbyteries. You can watch recent presentations on the Synod’s YouTube channel.


Invite Chip to speak by emailing him at

Image by Naassom Azevedo

Campus Ministries

In 2022, the Synod is continuing to support Campus Ministries at public universities and colleges throughout Ohio and Michigan through two endowments. This year almost $50,000 will be distributed among twenty-two ministries in nine presbyteries. A cohort of campus ministry leaders has been meeting quarterly by zoom.


 Contact for more information.

Image by Josh Hild

Racial Equity Caucuses

The Synod will be hiring community organizers to work within communities of color throughout our presbyteries to rebuild and reimagine the racial equity caucuses and the Cabinet on Ethnic Church Affairs, which have been such an important part of the history of the Synod.  Each caucus will determine its own scope and ministry.


Self-Development of People

Self-Development of People is a national ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA) funded through the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. This grants program is designed to eradicate systemic poverty by investing in marginalized communities with programs of their own design.  The Synod is working to re-establish this ministry in 2021.

Image by Jaime Lopes

Presbytery Leadership Support

The Synod supports presbytery staff leadership by hosting monthly zooms to connect with each other, as well as individually with Interim Executive Chip Hardwick. Additionally, the Synod will begin to host biannual retreats for Executive, General, and Associate Presbyters once public health conditions permit. The Synod also subsidizes the coaching new presbyters receive through the Presbytery Leadership Formation program.

Image by The Climate Reality Project

Cross-presbytery Cohorts

The Synod will be hiring community organizers to work within communities of color throughout our presbyteries to rebuild and reimagine the racial equity caucuses and the Cabinet on Ethnic Church Affairs, which have been such an important part of the history of the Synod.  Each caucus will determine its own scope and ministry.

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